Online Short-Term Programs

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do these Online English Classes work?

  • Each class meets live twice a week on Zoom for 10 weeks for a total of 40 hours of live instruction. 
  • Each week focuses on one topic. 
  • Zoom links will be provided by the class instructor via email before each class. 
  • Each topic has one reading, one vocabulary flashcard deck, one listening, two PowerPoints, and two quizzes. 
  • Materials (listed above) will be provided by the class instructor via email each week before each new topic (quizzes will be sent after each class). 
  • In class, you talk with classmates from all over the world, share your opinion, make decisions, act out scenarios all in English. 

How do I get a certificate?

  • You will receive a pdf certificate of completion via email (with quiz grades, hours attended, and CEFR level) only if you…
    • Attend a minimum of 30 of 40 hours of live instruction
    • Achieve a minimum of 75% on average for quizzes
    • Send final 50 minute EFSET score

NOTE: If you are a student at a partner university and would like a pdf of your certificate sent directly to your university’s international office, please contact us at

How much time will I spend studying outside of the live classes?

  • Previewing the material: You can expect to spend about 1-2 hours each week preparing the reading, vocabulary, and listening. 
  • Taking the quizzes: You can expect to spend about 20 minutes to 1 hour each week completing the quizzes.  
    • How do we know? We sent a survey sent to students of Summer 2020 online courses, 36 students responded.
      • 22 of 36 students said that they spent 1-2 hours outside of class previewing the reading, listening, and flashcards each week. 
      • 26 of 36 students said that they spent 20 minutes to an hour outside of class taking quizzes each week.

Will my English improve?

  • With language learning “time on task” is very important. The more time and effort you put in, the better the outcome will be for you. 
  • We see this as a partnership, with our job being to make this process as efficient as possible for you (we’ll provide the material to learn new things, the opportunity to put your English to use, and give you feedback.)
  • To help you get a basic idea of what type of improvement you can expect in your Reading and Listening ability, students in Summer term, 2020, improved on average (mean) by about 3 points on the 50-minute EFSET test. We’ve provided more information below:
    • The EFSET has a minimum and maximum total points of 0-100.
    • 1-30 is A1 Beginner
    • 31-40 is A2 Elementary
    • 41-50 is B1 Intermediate
    • 51-60 is B2 Upper intermediate
    • 61-70 is C1 Advanced
    • 71-100 is C2 Proficient
    • We require students to take a 50-minute EFSET test at the beginning of the 10 week class and at the end of it. Below we’ve provided the descriptive statistics and the results of a paired sample t-Test from the beginning of the term (EFSET1) to the end of the term (EFSET2) from 28 students in Summer, 2020. We acknowledge that this is not a perfect measurement and there are many reasons why someone’s test score could have improved over the 10 weeks (in fact, simply retaking the test probably led to some increase in score.) We excluded students with missing scores or who only provided a pre or post test score.
      • Results of EFSET test for 2020 ESL students
      • Descriptives plot for EFSET test for 2020 ESL students.
      • Paired samples T Test results for summer 2020 ESL students.
    • Three points may seem like a small increase. But, remember learning a language is a mammoth undertaking. For second language learners the rule of thumb is that it takes 200 hours of serious study to advance one CEFR level (See Cambridge's info on this here). CEFR B1, B2, and C1 on the EFSET are 10 points. So, in order to increase 10 points on the EFSET, a student would need to study for about 200 hours. A three point gain would then require about 60 hours of study - which happens to be about how much the average student spends studying English while taking one of our 10-week online English courses (see the answer to Question 3 above).
  • Video Introduction

  • How do these Online English Classes work?

    How do these Online English Classes work?

    • Each class meets live twice a week on Zoom for 10 weeks for a total of 40 hours of live instruction. 
    • Each week focuses on one topic. 
    • Zoom links will be provided by the class instructor via email before each class. 
    • Each topic has one reading, one vocabulary flashcard deck, one listening, two PowerPoints, and two quizzes. 
    • Materials (listed above) will be provided by the class instructor via email each week before each new topic (quizzes will be sent after each class). 
    • In class, you talk with classmates from all over the world, share your opinion, make decisions, act out scenarios all in English. 
  • How do I get a certificate?

    How do I get a certificate?

    • You will receive a pdf certificate of completion via email (with quiz grades, hours attended, and CEFR level) only if you…
      • Attend a minimum of 30 of 40 hours of live instruction
      • Achieve a minimum of 75% on average for quizzes
      • Send final 50 minute EFSET score

    NOTE: If you are a student at a partner university and would like a pdf of your certificate sent directly to your university’s international office, please contact us at

  • How much time will I spend studying outside of the live classes?

    How much time will I spend studying outside of the live classes?

    • Previewing the material: You can expect to spend about 1-2 hours each week preparing the reading, vocabulary, and listening. 
    • Taking the quizzes: You can expect to spend about 20 minutes to 1 hour each week completing the quizzes.  
      • How do we know? We sent a survey sent to students of Summer 2020 online courses, 36 students responded.
        • 22 of 36 students said that they spent 1-2 hours outside of class previewing the reading, listening, and flashcards each week. 
        • 26 of 36 students said that they spent 20 minutes to an hour outside of class taking quizzes each week.
  • Will my English improve?

    Will my English improve?

    • With language learning “time on task” is very important. The more time and effort you put in, the better the outcome will be for you. 
    • We see this as a partnership, with our job being to make this process as efficient as possible for you (we’ll provide the material to learn new things, the opportunity to put your English to use, and give you feedback.)
    • To help you get a basic idea of what type of improvement you can expect in your Reading and Listening ability, students in Summer term, 2020, improved on average (mean) by about 3 points on the 50-minute EFSET test. We’ve provided more information below:
      • The EFSET has a minimum and maximum total points of 0-100.
      • 1-30 is A1 Beginner
      • 31-40 is A2 Elementary
      • 41-50 is B1 Intermediate
      • 51-60 is B2 Upper intermediate
      • 61-70 is C1 Advanced
      • 71-100 is C2 Proficient
      • We require students to take a 50-minute EFSET test at the beginning of the 10 week class and at the end of it. Below we’ve provided the descriptive statistics and the results of a paired sample t-Test from the beginning of the term (EFSET1) to the end of the term (EFSET2) from 28 students in Summer, 2020. We acknowledge that this is not a perfect measurement and there are many reasons why someone’s test score could have improved over the 10 weeks (in fact, simply retaking the test probably led to some increase in score.) We excluded students with missing scores or who only provided a pre or post test score.
        • Results of EFSET test for 2020 ESL students
        • Descriptives plot for EFSET test for 2020 ESL students.
        • Paired samples T Test results for summer 2020 ESL students.
      • Three points may seem like a small increase. But, remember learning a language is a mammoth undertaking. For second language learners the rule of thumb is that it takes 200 hours of serious study to advance one CEFR level (See Cambridge's info on this here). CEFR B1, B2, and C1 on the EFSET are 10 points. So, in order to increase 10 points on the EFSET, a student would need to study for about 200 hours. A three point gain would then require about 60 hours of study - which happens to be about how much the average student spends studying English while taking one of our 10-week online English courses (see the answer to Question 3 above).




Contact Information

Kettering University
1700 University Ave.
Flint, MI 48504


Sulaiman, 2020 Summer Online English for Automotive Trends, from Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, Saudi Arabia, says:

“Hello, I am Sulaiman, an automotive engineer from Saudi Arabia. I work for the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation. I am in the sixth week of Kettering's Online "English Classes for Automotive Trends" and these classes have really helped me with my English. I have learned many new vocabulary items and improved my English abilities especially related to the automotive industry. The course also helps me to practice my English and use what I learn through discussion with the course members as well as knowing what I can improve through weekly quizzes and feedback. Thanks to Kettering for this opportunity!"

" مرحبا، أنا سليمان الأصقه، من المملكة العربية السعودية، مهندس ميكانيكي في تخصص السيارات، أعمل في المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني والمهني، أنا الآن في الأسبوع السادس من دورة اللغة الانجليزية عن بعد لتخصص السيارات، لقد ساعدتني الدورة في تعلم الكثير من المصطلحات الجديدة وتصحيح وتطوير لغتي خصوصا في مجال صناعة السيارات، ساعدتني الدورة كذلك على ممارسة اللغة وتطبيق ما تعلمته من خلال مناقشة المواضيع مع أعضاء الدورة، وكذلك معرفة المستوى والأخطاء والحصول على التوجيهات من خلال الاختبارات القصيرة ونتائجها، شكرا جامعة كيترينق لإتاحة هذه الفرصة، شكرا لكل القائمين على هذه الدورة "

Dongli, 2020 Summer Online English for Co-op and Internships, from Hubei University of Automotive Technology, Hubei, China, says:

"Hello everyone, my name is Dongli, from China. This summer I took an online English class with Kettering University’s ESLP, named "English for Co-op and Internships." In the 10-week class, we were introduced to and participated in organized discussions on Kettering University’s co-op model, like: what is co-op, why do co-op, how to find the right co-op, how to write a resume and cover letter, how to prepare for an interview, and what is work culture in the US like and so on. Kettering students also discussed their co-op experiences with us. It was very practical and interesting. Through a lot of practical tasks and group discussions, I gained a lot of knowledge about co-op and improved my English. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to take this class."

"大家好,我来自中国,我在湖北汽车工业学院工作,今年暑假我参加了凯特琳 大学的线上英语课程,课程名称是English for Co-op and Internships,在10周的课程中,教师介绍和组织讨论了正规的赌博app“带薪实习”模式(co-op),什么是co-op,为什么要co-op,如何找到正确的co-op,如何撰写求职信和简历、如何准备面试、美国的工作文化等等。有co-op的经验的学生和我们一起讨论,非常实用和有趣,通过大量的实践任务和小组讨论,我获得了很多有关co-op的知识,更提高了英语水平。真的非常幸运能够有机会参加这个课程."


Trang, 2020 Summer Online English for Study Abroad, from Ho Chi Minh University of Technology and Education, Vietnam, says:

"Hi everybody, my name is Trang. I work at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Viet Nam. I attended the online English course, “English for Study Abroad” at Kettering University in the US. The course gave me the opportunity to make many friends from many countries such as China, Iran, Korea. I practiced speaking English with the instructor and new friends in each lesson on practical topics. The instructor is enthusiastic, friendly, and always motivating us and has made me more confident with my English ability. The class was really interesting and effective for me."

"Xin chào mọi người, Tôi tên là Trang, làm việc tại trường Đại học Sư phạm Kỹ thuật TP.HCM, Việt Nam. Tôi đã tham dự khóa học giao tiếp tiếng Anh online với chủ đề “English for study abroad” tại trường Đại học Kettering, Mỹ. Khóa học đã tạo cho tôi cơ hội  gặp gỡ nhiều bạn bè từ nhiều nước như: Trung Quốc, Iran, Hàn Quốc,... Tôi được thực hành với giáo viên, với các bạn trong nhóm ở mỗi buổi học cùng với nhiều chủ đề thiết thực. Giáo viên nhiệt tình, thân thiện, luôn động viên người học, đã giúp tôi tự tin hơn với khả năng tiếng Anh của mình.Thật sự lớp học rất thú vị và hiệu quả đối với tôi."